waking up early is one of our favorite things to do ! we got to watch the boat pull in and Dubai has the most beautiful skyline aka we love skylines.
we didn't know what we were going to do this day we thought we would go to the mall the has indoor skiing and watch! we got there and saw that it was only 50 bucks to go! so we did! we got all ready and went skiing! I'm not going to lie I was nervous about skiing my first 2 runs where slow but after warming up we both did great! I wish we would have worn warmer clothes it wasn't too much in the sense of clothing!
we had so much fun had some curry and then decided that we needed to go to the beach we went to the beach and played hangman and did all this fun stuff! except we thought the sun was going to set soon but we were there for 3 hours trying to figure out why the sun was taking so long we ended up getting our time zones messed up!
we went to the Burj Khalifa and watched the water show twice it was beautiful! and then headed back to the boat around 9. we had to pack went to the buffet and got ready to get off the boat
Dubai is so cool!
we need to go back soon!
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