Monday, June 17, 2019



Wow, Qatar was so beautiful.

they have such an amazing skyline we couldn't get over it. we woke up worked out with a view and then headed off the ship we took a short bus then walked to the Muslim museum. which was beautiful and the view of the skyline was amazing!

we then walked to the market and looked around we spent forever trying to find a place eat that wasn't super expensive! like 20 bucks a plat. we have such a hard time paying for food that is the same price that is in America. we always look for the cheapest place and we ended finding a place and it was super yummy we got there just in time because they were closing!

when we got done with lunch we didn't realize but all of Qatar shuts down from 12-3. so we tried to do all of these things but nothing was open we tried to look at the Falcons, the camels, and all the things so we walked around made fun of the camels and walked along the pier and realized that they have basil growing on the side, the lights stay green for soo long!!!!!then ended up walking to the boat again. it was great. we wanted to get in a hot tub and we were so disappointed that all of them were full or cold! haha

we went to dinner and they were so weird about me eating bread! it made me so uncomfortable!

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