Thursday, November 16, 2017

China Day 16 November 2,2017

Feeling: let down the zoo was lame
Excited for: Our cooking class. finally!
Not excited for: nada
Miles traveled:  7427
Interesting conversations: Jed thought the people at the market were so funny trying to get him to buy something. I just kept walking but he would interact. 
Best Part of the day: The Pearl Market
Worst part of the day: The Zoo
Continents visited: 1
Countries visited: 2
Cities Visited: 4

Today was kinda weird. we thought we were going to do a cooking class but long story short Jed didn't read the fine print and.... we are doing it tomorrow. 

We woke up late. Man, thyroids a bitch. its probably  from our traveling 2 weeks ago it kinda got shocked lol ( sounds crazy but the thyroid hormone your body uses today was made 2 weeks ago )

we went to the zoo and were so excited to see the pandas. we bought our tickets that were only 2 dollars and headed in we went to the reptile house first and it looked so abandoned lol. jed loves crocks and wanted to see one so bad and he did but it looked dead! lol

we saw a couple different animals that you can see at any zoo and decided we are excited to do our safari in September! wahoo!

We went to the panda part and they were pretty cute lol but I didn't realize how small they were. little said the zoo was a letdown.

We headed to the pearl market and before that, of course, we were starving. Jed has really wanted pizza hut but its so expensive here. and let's just say we have walked in and out of 3 pizza huts because Jed thinks the price is going to change lol 

But we did get a chicken sandwich with peanut butter on it. that was weird. Lol, we went to the pearl market and Jed loved it! everything about it. he wanted to buy everything! lol we walked around and told our selfs we would come back here one day and buy everything that we wanted because we didnt want to carry them for the whole time. we are only 2 weeks in!

we headed back to our hotel and watched harry potter. we are obsessed!

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