Wednesday, April 1, 2020

chill day in zambia

we woke up in victoria falls and had the best breakfast ever we had a chill day but needed to go get a sim card. ya know because it was so cheap to get one and there was never any power during the day.

so we walked down to the store and got a sim card and walked around the store. we loved looking around the store idk I'm weird like that. we walked back and decided and we just sat by the pool and chilled. it was so nice just to hang out pulse we needed to plan and book some things. 

a couple of hours had passed and jeds phone still wasn't working so we walked to the store again and it was so so so hot! everyone kept honking at us because we were the only white people walking around. 

we fixed his phone had lunch I had lasagna and jed had shnittled. It was so hot! and was so light-headed 

we walked back hung out and had some dinner. 

chill night! this is how we do.

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