Monday, March 2, 2020

Summer of Boostie

One of the best things we ever did was get boosted board. They are the most fun!

We started by buying one and the second I got on it and jed had to stay behind we knew we needed to buy 2 of them.

I ride mine to work every day when it’s warm out. Sometimes when it’s just sunny outside. We take them on date nights. We ride them everywhere it’s an excuse to get out and get some oxygen and some sun. 

We have also sold like 3 other ones. To my dad and jasmine and kelby

Future kenzie when we bought them with the intention of packing them on a plane we tried to take them Nyc but it didn’t work out. The airlines say no but the company that does the regulations said we could lame we need a fine a way to cheat the system.

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