Monday, July 29, 2019

Rome to cali

we woke up early Kelby and I was dedicated to not miss our train! we drove back to our train station. we had a hard time finding the place to drop off the car I got our next to a homeless man and we went into the train station and made sure we were on the right train. we all hung out listened to a podcast and drove through the beautiful countryside.

we got to Rome got an uber to the airport and lounge it up! this lounge was so nice!  we got on the plane and all watched videos we were all wide awake and couldn't help but stay up. we went to Canada and went through customs. and tried to get into a lounge but it didn't work. LAME Canada air is lame!

we got on the plane and Jed and I both passed out the whole time. we got to LAX and went to our hotel. and then got a snack and passed out Disney land was coming our way.

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