Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Rome day 1

we woke up and headed to go get our rental car. on the way, we stopped at peters. we had breakfast it was great Peter was great! he was so happy and he made our morning so great! we got our rental car and headed to the temple it was beautiful than we went to the store to grab some water and then headed to travel! it was amazing! the drive was beautiful and we laughed the whole way there

once we got there we were going to get into the flower place but it was a free day so it was so long of a line. so we just spend the day looking around and taking pictures. we ended up going to lunch and it was SO GROSS! haha, we totally failed.

we needed to head back so we walked miles to the car up got to the collision. we found some free parking and headed to go look around it was beautiful!!

we went to the forms and it was also great. and beautiful. we dropped off the car and then headed to get some dinner it was a long ass walk and we got to a place that wasn't what we expected... it was street food. and everyone else wanted to sit and I got upset and walked really fast back to the place! it was actually really good food we had lasagna and spaghetti!  we got gelato and went to bed we were wiped out!

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