Friday, July 5, 2019

Egypt day 3 > SLC

Last day in Egypt... Let's do this! 

We woke up ready to go before we booked our tour we kept telling the guy that we needed to go the pyramids early!! 

But they didn't want to do it super early was because I don't know we had to push them to do it earlier. Even though Jed and I hate waking up early we have learned to love it because we get the best pictures. 

We got on our camels and mine was named Micheal Jackson and jeds name was all I baba. 😅

We got on and headed to the backside of the pyramids we loved it! We went to the pyramids and Jed's camel was not cooperating he was a jerk he kept making it so Jed would fall off. 

He fell off when we tried to stand on top of him and I looked like I've been standing on them my whole life. I took a turn on Alli baba and at the same time, a girl asked to take a picture with me. Alli Baba tried to get up as soon as she got on and it scared her and her mom was pissed. 

We got back the guy asked for a higher tip and Jed told him no lol. 

We got back and wanted to go to the big market and we did it was unreal how busy it was and we got overwhelmed and left. But before we did Jed got some great street food! It was so yummy! 

But then our phone did us dirty and stopped working out we had to walk to a place to hail us a taxi and the taxi driver didn't want us to turn on the meter so I hounded him to get him to turn it on. Lol, I was over haggling. 

Well, he took us to the back side of the pyramids. We got out and walked back hahaha 

We went and hung out got some dinner and that. Headed to go get more dinner on a boat. We boat show was unreal and stupid the best part was just getting spun around so fast by a stranger.

Then we went to the airport. And we are so excited to get home but everything was such a pain. We had to go through security 3 times, the girl wanted me to throw away my floss haha. And they wanted me to throw away my fingernail clippers like we were blown away...

We got on the plane and headed to Russia... We got to Russia Jed was tired. And grumpy. 

We got on the second plane and flew home I slept for 8 out of the 13 hours... Lol 

We got to LAX and Jed again was pissed and fell asleep. And we headed home. Such a long travel day but so memorable 

Egypt will miss you! 

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