Monday, June 3, 2019

Slc to Budapest

Goooood morning! We couldn't be more excited that we made it to best but let's chat about how we got here first... 

I woke up at 6 to work out and Jed works in at 7. We finished up the last couple things to get ready and (this will be important later.) Ran to go get water. Addie picked us up and dropped us off at the airport. 

Jed had said he had already got us checked in to our flight so we tried to get on to the Delta app and it wouldn't load because there were so many people there. We get there it wouldn't load luckily the security line was so long ! That we had time to do all of this we had to leave the line to try and so the kiosk? That wouldn't allow us in. We, of course, made friends with the lady next to us who was having the same issues and we ran downstairs. They were able to get me checked in but not Jed so they set us with just me all the way to Budapest and Jed to Toronto. 

We got through security and started looking for a notary we couldn't find one everyone said it was on the other side of security so... Luckily the line wasn't long and I went back through tried to look for it and no one was helping me there were 15 minutes till our flight finished boarding.  So I admitted defeat and went back through security. But this time everyone was in a wheelchair so it took 7 times as long. For our 4 people ahead of me. Lol 

I ran to our gate went potty and then Jed left me. I thought he was taking a dumpskie but really he was printing off our papers to get signed. We boarded the flight last one per usual and then flew from SLC to Toronto.

We had to go through customs than recheck Jed in. 
We went through security and then had a burger and boarded our flight. 

We took some pills that made it really wasn't to sleep aand😴 than relaxed the whole way it was so nice. Landed in Amsterdam went through customs and had another flight. 

Side note I did leg day the day before our travel day and. Highly regretting it my calf's hurt so bad. Haha

We boarded our flight to Budapest took the bus and then went straight to the embassy. Which we thought we could get a notary. but we had to have an appointment. We walked to a couple different banks and then decided to go to our hotel.

We dropped everything off and went to get some food at the market. I convinced Jed to pass at the hot dog and go for the goulash and it was so good! I got the soup he got the traditional one.

We then went to the fisherman's basilica or something and Jed wasn't too excited about it until he got there and he was so impressed by how beautiful it was! We walked around and then walked down the building I'm obsessed with!! Oh my gosh, we fell more in love! Then went back to our hotel. Had some American food and crashed!! I was so tired

Overall a great day!! I'm so happy that we got to spend one day in Budapest it's truly amazing and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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