Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Jordan Petra

Petra wow... Also, let's start every blog post list this

we woke up early and got ready and had breakfast this was no cold cereal, this was such a yummy breakfast we loved it!

we grabbed our lunch and headed to petra guys get there early! it is so worth it!

we got there and got scammed by the horse rides they told us it was free but we just needed a tip Jed loves to try a different type of transportation so we did it and he told us that we should do this hike. we said no and walked the normal way it was so beautiful! we walked around and wanted to go to the top and all the kids wanted to pay them to get us to the place. we had no money and I told them they could come but we couldn't pay them then walked away. wow!!!! I need to be that turn more often. 

it was beautiful and we didn't need a guide we looked up there for a while and needed to go back down. 

 jed also got scammed to ride a camel by Petra. 

we went to more of the different places and walked around we hiked to the monistary and it was a hike! everyone was ridding donkeys and hours and it was so funny to watch everyone go on them all the old people. we got there had lunch and took tons of pictures.

we walked down and head back to take more pictures! it was beautiful but the number of people there didn't make it worth it. we headed back and it was a long hike!

we had dinner and hung out till we got to go to petra at night...


dont do it everyone was so loud! never again!

plus jed was getting sicky

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