Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Jeds birthday plus bad news

This year for jeds birthday i bought us a hotel in Moab.  i bought it on the 17th and later that night he told me he had been let go. it was so sad i cried a lot and couldn't understand why... ever since we got home from Asia it's been hard. i don't want to go into details but this was our way out. this was our way to be able to live our dreams. and as soon as we had it it was gone plus we are going to need 5 weeks of vacation in the next 90 days. like he won't be able to get another job, 

but we didn't let that get us down... honestly, we went we had fun. jeds parents had given us money so it was practically a free trip. it sucks that it happened the day before his birthday but we still had fun! plus because of the government shutdowns, everything was free! hell yea! we had lots of Mexican food and played around there was no one there! which was really nice! 

happy birthday Jed. 32 is going to be an awesome year! I've never loved you more and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! you are the sweetest person to me and everyone. i can't express all of my love in this post but you mean the world to me and id do anything for you. 

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