Sunday, January 13, 2019

NYC day 4

today started off so great we went to the world trade center. but it was freezing!

me, always being cold put Elle in the most outrageous outfit. tights, a fleece dress, a raincoat, and a blanket. she was getting so fussy and not wanting to get into her stroller. I asked her. "Elle what is your deal?" and in the softest most defined voice said "hot" haha poor kid the kid that was getting you ready is always cold and you weren't ready.

we made our way down to the world trade center and went through the museum and it was so cool. except I let Elle out at the worst part. when it was all said and she was running around and being crazy but before you knew it. she fell asleep. we went to a really good BBQ place and then made our way back to the place. this day was hard because it was rainy and the kids are so wild. I was so over the kids on that they-they are cute as can be but 600square foot apartment. 

Also, Owen walked Jed all over the place took him to the wrong place for soccer 8 blocks in the wrong direction and also had Jed and Elle walk all the way to the top of the stairs to throw away the garbage lol poor Jed

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